Astronomical spectroscopy 1-2  

Electromagneic radiation, astronomical sources in the visible and other spectral ranges History and basics of astronomical spectroscopy Spectroscopes, how they work and their applicaion in astrophysics Infrared and ultraviolet spectra of stars, interstellar medium, galaxies, AGN-s X-ray sources and their spectra Spectral analysis sotware tools: IDL, IRAF, and CLASS (GILDAS) Reducion and analysis of HI 21cm, CO (J=1-0) 2,6mm and NH3 (1,1) 1,3cm spectra Reducion and analysis of opical spectra of stars, spectral classiicaion Reducion and analysis of opical spectra of galaxies, determinaion of redshit Wriing spectroscopic observaion proposals for measurements with facility telescopes: one for the visible and one outside the visible range
Astronomical spectroscopy 1-2

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